1owenlee 发布于 2017-01-13
表附加:in addition, additionally, and, similarly, likewise(同样的,也), as well as, , apart from this, and then, too, not only…but, what’...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-01-13
表附加:in addition, additionally, and, similarly, likewise(同样的,也), as well as, , apart from this, and then, too, not only…but, what’...
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owenlee 发布于 2016-12-07
Time to market:The length of time it takes to get a product from idea to marketplace. (产品上市所需时间) 例句:On the eighth of August 1991, the compan...
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owenlee 发布于 2016-04-05
这是一套关于商务计划执行流程及相关词汇短语解说的纯英文视频教程。该教程一共包含两个部分,由国外商务英语学习网站BusinessEnglishPod(简称BEP)VideoVocab解说团队录制讲解。 鉴于BEP团队的视频教程发布在Youtube网站,而国内互联网用户目前无法访问和...
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