商务英语俚语解析:“Take a flier”

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商务英语俚语解析:“Take a flier”

Take a flier:To gamble on something risky or to invest in a highly speculative security or business opportunity. Taking a flier usually refers to going into a trade with little preparation or information beforehand.(冒险投资、贸然尝试)

情景例句1: A friend of yours calls you up and recommends that you invest in a penny stock called XYZ. He warns that this is a high-risk investment, but that the company is working on some sort of new technological breakthrough that could revolutionize the industry that is operates in. You just received your tax refund for the year and don’t really need the money, so you decide to “take a flier” and invest $1,000 in the stock. If it goes up, great. If it drops to $0, that’s fine too.

情景例句2:You head to a local swap meet, where you meet somebody that is selling three cardboard boxes full of old baseball cards.  You know nothing about baseball or baseball cards, but decide to “take a flier” and shell out the $100 for the three boxes.You can certainly live without the $100 if the cards end up being worthless, but you decide to buy anyways,  hoping that there is something of value buried deep within one of the boxes.

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