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Communication is a critical function in organizations, from the very small to the very large. Even one-to-one communications can be fraught with challenges and misunderstandings. By communicating purposefully and focusing on results and relationships, businesses can leverage effective communication strategies to generate solid results with multiple audiences.


An open communication environment is one in which all members of the organization feel free to share feedback, ideas and even criticism at every level. Leaders who are committed to open communication build an environment of trust that can be the foundation for success.


An inclusive communication strategy is one in which explicit steps are taken to ensure that all employees feel they are involved in decisions that affect their day-to-day work. Organizations with a secretive communication environment shut people out, which can stifle involvement and result in lost ideas and opportunities. Employee involvement is a key factor that affects employee satisfaction and success.


Communication should never be one-way–either from the top-down or the bottom-up. Effective communication strategies involve two-way communication, or conversations, between members of the organization. Companies whose managers successfully engage employees in conversations about their work, their ideas and their perspectives on issues related to products, services, customers and the business environment develop a culture of inclusiveness that generates results.


Business communication should be results-driven and strategically focused on achieving measurable results. Organizations need to think about what employees need to know to do their jobs productively, to interact with customers effectively and to serve as ambassadors outside of the organization. Effective communication isn’t just nice to do; it’s need to do.


Effective organizational communicators know that messages need to be delivered multiple times in multiple ways to have the most impact. Employee communication needs and preferences differ, different messages require different methods and busy business environments can mean that messages get lost. Using multiple channels to communicate with various audiences will increase the odds that communications are received and understood.

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