商务英语短语解析:“Flanker brand”

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商务英语短语解析:“Franker brand”

Flanker brand:Extension of an existing brand to create another product or brand with increased market share. The new product may be a different size, flavor, or type but still falls within the same category of products. (品牌辅助产品、侧翼品牌)

例句:Most consumer products companies use a flanker brand strategy to create incremental sales in some of their strategic business units,  This strategy is not only for large, fortune 500 companies—even small business can use this strategy. { 原文出处:Flanker brand can increase revenue in a stable, mature market }


知识扩展及补充扩展知识阅读:什么是“Flanker strategy”?

Flanking Strategy, the most innovative maneuver available to fight a marketing war, must be executed in an emerging market without an established Market Leader. The success of a flanking maneuver is dependant upon the traditional market share leader’s reluctance to acknowledge and invest in the emerging market, and upon the rate of emerging market growth. Since success depends on the capture of new growth opportunity against an established competitor, the element of stealth, and then surprise, are critical to Flanking Strategy success.

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