Cut Across在商务英语中的翻译与解析

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Cut Across短语的翻译与解析

Cut Across这个短语单从字面意思大家很难想到它在商务英语中经常被用作“影响、涉及”这层含义,这里我整理了“cut across”几个不同的语义及相关例句,以便结合场景掌握这个短语的使用方法。

1、Cut Across作为“抄近路穿过”的使用例句:
英语释义:To go across sth in order to make your route shorter.

例句:We can get there by cutting across the wood.

2:Cut Across作为“影响、涉及”的使用例句:

英语释义:If a problem or subject cuts across different groups of people, all of those groups are affected by or interested in it:

例句:With several brands to deal with, some of which cut across the divisions, it’s going to be pretty complicated.–例句出处《剑桥BEC真题集第二辑:P114》

3:Cut Across作为“与…相反”的使用例句:

英语释义:be contrary to ordinary procedure or limitations;
例句:The information age organization operates with integrated business processes that cut across traditional business functions.

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