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Collection:[kə’lekʃn]  常用词汇搭配:debt/tax/rent/revenue collection;商务短语搭配:to improve/speed up collection

常用语义:A group of objects that has been collected; a group of objects or people. (收藏品、收集物/一批物品、一群人)

商务语义A:The activity of obtaining money that is owned, the amount of money that is obtained. (收取欠款;收回款额)

用例A:My work ranged from small debt collection to large acquisitions. (我的工作范围从追讨小额债务到大宗收购。)

商务语义B:The act of a bank arranging for a cheque, standing order, etc. to be paid from a bank account. (按指令兑现支票)

用例B:You can make a simple call to the bank asking it to suspend collection so that no money is transferred. (你可以给银行打个电话,要求终止兑现,钱款便不会被转帐。)

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