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Constitute:[‘kɒnstɪtjuːt] (该动词一般不用于进行时态,但可用作现在分词)

常用语义:If a number of things or people constitute something, they’re the parts or members that form it. (组成、构成)

用例1:Management has to fix a maximum mumber of hours as constituting a day’s work. (管理层须定下一天工作中的最高小时数)

用例2:Two people may both say they want an interesting and stimulating job, but have widely divergent ideas of what would constitute such a position. { 例句出处:《剑桥BEC高级真题集第三辑:P37》}

商务语义:[formal] To officially form a group or organization.  (设立,成立……组织、团体等)

用例:On 6 July, a people’s Revolutionary Government was constituted. (7月6日,人民革命政府正式成立)

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