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盘点2017年两会热点商务英语词汇 (与中国紧密相关的商务英语热门词汇  来源:英语点津网)

1. 蓝天保卫战  (关于环境保护)

make our skies blue again

Delivering the Government Work Report to the Fifth Plenary Session of the 12th National People’s Congress on Sunday, Premier Li Keqiang said effective steps will be taken to tackle air pollution and “make our skies blue again”.


2. 长途漫游费  (关于通信技术)

long-distance and roaming fees

China’s three major telecom carriers announced on Monday they will scrap domestic long-distance and roaming charges starting Oct 1, following Premier Li Keqiang’s promise in the Government Work Report.


3. 民法总则  (关于民生)

general provisions of civil law

National lawmakers on Wednesday started to deliberate draft general provisions of civil law, which, if adopted, will bring the country one step closer to a civil code.


4. 国资监管  (关于资产管理)

State-owned capital supervision

China will continue to deepen the reform of State-owned enterprises (SOEs) and further strengthen State-owned capital supervision to ensure their safety and appreciation this year, Xiao Yaqing, chairman of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, said on Thursday at a news conference during the two sessions.


5. 全域旅游  (关于旅游出行)

all-for-one touris

In the Government Work Report he delivered on Sunday, Premier Li Keqiang called for improved tourist facilities and services, and for a big push to develop rural tourism, recreational tourism and all-for-one tourism.


6. 减税降费  (关于税务审计)

Cut taxes and administrative fees

China will cut taxes and administrative fees by 550 billion yuan ($79.7 billion) this year to further reduce the corporate burden and will roll out favorable tax policies to support small innovative and technology companies, Finance Minister Xiao Jie said on Tuesday.


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