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Woman:Wendy. 温蒂

——— Oh, I am so glad you’re thinking about us. 真高兴你在考虑我们这里

——— Hey, Roma wants to give you the tour herself. 洛马想亲自带你转转

Wendy:How are you? 你好吗

Woman:Work is a happy place now. 现在工作让我开心

——— Come on. I’ll introduce you. 过来  我给你介绍一下

Wendy:Great space. 地方不错

Woman:I have an eye for it. Even better one for talent. 我很有眼光  尤其能慧眼识珠

Wendy:I knew that as soon as you snagged Maria. 你把玛丽亚挖来的时候我就知道了

Woman:She’s a perfect fit. 她非常合适

——— We value fit, culture, more than most. 比起其他  我们更注重知人善任和公司文化

——— That’s why 60% or so of our PMs are women. 所以我们大约60%的基金经理都是女性

——— Makes it easier to practice socially responsible investing. 更易于进行对社会负责的投资

Wendy:Is that the mission? 那就是任务吗

Woman:The mission is profit. 赚钱才是任务

——— But me and a few of the senior partners, 但当华尔街全是些

——— we came up at a time 没种没脑的男人当道时

——— when Wall Street was all cock and balls and no brains.  我和几个资深合伙人挺身而出

——— We try to practice with a little less ego around here 我们想让这里少一些自我主义

——— in a more collaborative, inclusive environment. 营造更有协作意识  更包容的环境

——— But it’s a delicate balance. 但这平衡很微妙

Wendy:You don’t want a bunch of guys running around 你不想让这里满是

——— with sawed-off shotguns, 火药味

——— but you don’t want scented candles 但也不想这里太过安逸

——— and an aversion to risk either. 没人愿意冒险

Woman:That’s for fucking sure. 说得太对了

——— We need someone to curate that balance, 我们需要有人来维持平衡

——— someone who’s been through the wars, 找一个身经百战的人

——— who’s seen the other side. 见多识广的人

Wendy:You want me to make your people assassins. 你想我把你的人训练成刺客吗

Woman:We want them to be able to access that mentality when needed, 我们想让他们在需要时能有那种心态

——— with great accuracy. 不得有半分偏差

Wendy:Yeah. Assassins. It’s kind of my specialty. 对  刺客  算是我的专长

Woman:I know. 我知道

——— No other performance coach in the industry would be a better fit. 你是业内最合适的绩效教练

——— And you’re already an investor. 而你已经是投资者了

——— We need you, 我们需要你

——— and you wanna be here. 而你也想待在这里

Wendy:I’m curious. Why do you think you know what I want? 我很好奇  你怎么知道我想要什么

——— I mean, it’s a hard thing to know even about oneself. 这对我自己来说都是个难题

Woman:I’m a stock picker and an instinct trader. 我是拣股者  也是直觉很准的商人

——— Am I wrong? 我没说错吧

——— Look. 听着

——— We believe there’s a better way. 我们相信有更好的方法

——— Life doesn’t have to be a zero-sum game. 生活不必过得像零和博弈

——— Go. Think. 走吧  考虑好

——— Let me know. 决定了告诉我


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