商务英语俚语解析:“At concert pitch”

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商务英语俚语解析:“At concert pitch”
At concert pitch:a state of heightened eagerness, readiness, or tension: (处于热情高涨、充分完备状态)

例句1:After all the briefing sessions at the head office, our sales team is at concert pitch. (在总公司开过各种情况介绍会后,我们全体销售人员都跃跃欲试,准备大干一场。)

例句2:All the students were at concert pitch as their headteacher welcoming J. K. Rowling, the author of Harry Porter. (当班主任欢迎《哈利·波特》的作者J.K罗琳的时候,所有的学生都热情高涨。)

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