BEC高级真题短语解析:“keep sb on board”
2owenlee 发布于 2017-08-12
Keep sb on board:If you had a team of good workers who worked well together, like the crew of a ship, you would want to keep the team togeth...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-08-12
Keep sb on board:If you had a team of good workers who worked well together, like the crew of a ship, you would want to keep the team togeth...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-03-24
Get off the ground:to get something started. (Alludes to an airplane beginning a flight.) if a plan or activity that you get it off the gro...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-03-21
Flanker brand:Extension of an existing brand to create another product or brand with increased market share. The new product may be a differ...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-03-19
Rise to the occasion:to show that you can deal with a difficult situation successfully. (临危不乱、应付自如) 例句1:A successful presenter is always con...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-03-15
Put paid to sth:To terminate, to cancel (plans or expectations), to stop sth once and for all. (中止、取消某事) 例句:However , joint venture can mean...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-03-13
Customer equity:it is defined as the total of the discounted life-time value of all the firm’s customers. (企业未划入资产的顾客价值) 例句:Customer e...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-03-09
Out of habit:do something simply because you are used to doing it, for no other reason. (出于习惯) 例句:Some organizations offer discounts out of ...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-03-08
Take the plunge:If you take the plunge, you decide to do something you really want to do even though it’s risky and possibly dangerous...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-03-08
In the nature of:Having the characteristics of; similar to. (具有……特质的,类似的) 例句:The first clear results to show up were in the grea...
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owenlee 发布于 2017-03-05
By all accounts:According to the information or reports that are available or from what people are saying. (根据大家说,人人都这么认为) 例句:Maybe this jus...
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